
Guidance from our Digital Marketing Experts in Seattle

It’s easy, with how everything feels online now, to forget that the vast majority of purchases are still made offline. You’d be forgiven for feeling like everything is happening online, but the reality is that still over 80% of purchases in this country are in-person. So then why does so much of the online advertising sphere seem to talk like the offline world straight up doesn’t exist anymore? If that’s you, one of the first steps to “un-forgetting” the real world — and how to include it in your digital […]
Back in Ye Olden Times (like, 2019), creating a custom report was pretty dang easy: hit the “customization” tab… boom, you’re golden. Now with Google’s switch to GA4, this has become an unfamiliar task for most people marketing their business. It can feel like a pain and like you have to relearn everything from scratch again. Luckily, that’s exactly what we’re gonna cover. A quick intro to GA4’s custom reports (and why they matter) Within GA4, there are standard reports pre-configured into the dashboard already — these are of course […]
As we’ve covered recently, universal Google Analytics is going away July 1 of 2023. This means, if you haven’t already begun preparing, you need to do so ASAP. With that in mind as you migrate to the new GA4 that’s replacing it, here are some key metrics we recommend tracking and changes to note in the new platform. (Image Source: A reminder of what’s changing When moving to GA4, you’ll immediately notice that the whole interface is new. We empathize with the fact that a changing interface for anything […]
No matter the size of your business, as a digital marketer you’ve presumably become familiar with Google Analytics. As they do every so often, a change is coming to GA that you have to adapt to. As you may already know, GA4 gives you the ability to create custom reports and dashboards, but, it also provides templates and basic reports. And usually, these templates and basic reports are good for most, but if you are looking to take a deeper dive and create new reports or edit existing ones, you […]
A conversion tracking setup consists of three essential components: Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, and your website platform itself. The site platform is also referred to as a content management system, or CMS. These platforms work together starting with Google Tag Manager, wherein you create tags, which fire off when a trigger is, ahem, triggered by a user completing its associated action while on your site. Both the tag and the trigger is something you create and apply. The “event” corresponding to this tag is created in Google Analytics and […]
If you’re a digital marketer or business owner with an online advertising presence, you’re almost certainly using Google’s Universal Analytics. And it’s probably not news that Google is moving in a new direction to eventually replace Universal Analytics with their new platform, GA4. We’re here to tell you more about it, and why you should make the switch sooner rather than later. What is GA4? GA4 stands for Google Analytics 4 and is Google’s newest analytics service, enabling you to better measure engagement across your site. It can help you […]
First off: What is Google Analytics and how can it help you? Google Analytics is a platform provided by Google that helps you to track and analyze data about how people interact with your site. Assuming you’re using the Universal Analytics version, it will provide insights into these categories: Audience: Who is visiting your site? Acquisition: How are they getting there? Behavior: What are they doing once on your site? Conversions: What goals are they completing on your site? These categories can be further segmented, of course. Audience insights can […]
To make sure your business’ online marketing efforts are bringing in the right results, you really have to have access to a baseline level of data. We’re not talking any creepy, big tech dystopian kind of stuff, but just some understanding about how internet users are interacting with your content, ads, etc. Towards that end, one tool that’s incredibly helpful is the UTM parameter. As a reminder, what are UTM parameters? If you haven’t read our original post on UTM parameters, you can check it out to get a deeper […]
What’s a UTM parameter, and how do you use them? UTM stands for “urchin tracking module,” and it’s a collection of five URL parameters you can implement to track your online marketing campaigns’ effectiveness. When somebody is referred to your site by an external link, the applied UTM parameters get sent to your Google Analytics. From there, you can see the subsequent data in your Campaigns reports. Screenshot of Google Analytics user activity To access the above view, open Google Analytics, select the dropdown for Acquisition, then All Traffic, then […]
A look at content and why it matters “Content” is such a commonly-used word in the online sphere, it borders on cliché. It’s ubiquitous not just in the marketing world — “content creator” is the new name for anyone who makes anything online, regardless of medium or, at times, quality. It’s the same for your business (although quality, in this case, very much matters) — content can be anything! Text, audio, images, video; it all works. The main thing people often think of as content is a blog, but it […]
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