
Guidance from our Digital Marketing Experts in Seattle

The world is more connected than ever and the exchange of goods and services, for many businesses, can be facilitated almost anywhere. Because of this, it can be tempting to feel like you can — or even should — broaden your online marketing scope to focus on a national or even global scale. Yet despite the fact that businesses theoretically shouldn’t all have to depend on local customers anymore, it’s the locals who still disproportionately affect business more often than not. This is reflected even in the digital space, where […]
When it comes to developing your SEO strategy, there are 2 distinct things you should keep in mind – E-A-T and YMYL. E-A-T stands for expertise, authority, trust, and is one of the main ways Google gauges your credibility in your niche’s ecosystem. YMYL stands for “Your Money or Your Life,” which may or may not apply to your business. More on this below. Let’s start with E-A-T, which stands for: Expertise refers specifically to the creator of the article (or blog post, video, etc.). Basically speaking, if you are […]
What is faceted navigation, why is it important, and how can it throw your SEO off? Faceted navigation is the feature on e-commerce sites where users have filter options to refine their product search. Depending on the type of product you could be looking at, you could have options to weed out products that aren’t of your preferred brand, size, color, etc.; for example, looking on a page that sells shoes, maybe you’d want to filter so you only see flats in size eight that are red. When visitors are […]
What’s a UTM parameter, and how do you use them? UTM stands for “urchin tracking module,” and it’s a collection of five URL parameters you can implement to track your online marketing campaigns’ effectiveness. When somebody is referred to your site by an external link, the applied UTM parameters get sent to your Google Analytics. From there, you can see the subsequent data in your Campaigns reports. Screenshot of Google Analytics user activity To access the above view, open Google Analytics, select the dropdown for Acquisition, then All Traffic, then […]
Google’s a necessity for any business in 2021. It’s also never staying still. This can be super helpful for your business — so long as you keep up with and utilize Google’s changes. Most recently, they’ve got a handful of changes to Google My Business. Here’s what they do and how you can take advantage of them: First off: New attributes Between the end of 2020 and the first half of 2021, there have been quite a few changes here. For starters, there have been a lot of updates to […]
A look at content and why it matters “Content” is such a commonly-used word in the online sphere, it borders on cliché. It’s ubiquitous not just in the marketing world — “content creator” is the new name for anyone who makes anything online, regardless of medium or, at times, quality. It’s the same for your business (although quality, in this case, very much matters) — content can be anything! Text, audio, images, video; it all works. The main thing people often think of as content is a blog, but it […]
Of all the apps, tools, and platforms Google offers, Google Trends is one that can often be overlooked by both online advertisers and regular people alike. It’s not ubiquitous like YouTube, Maps or Gmail, and not built-in to your work role as a marketer like Google Ads. But it can be really helpful, is immediately accessible to even the most tech-illiterate, and has multiple uses. So why don’t more businesses use it? First off — what is Google Trends? Google Trends is a completely free tool offered by Google that […]
First off: why even have a blog? This is a pretty common thing to wonder for those who are just beginning their dive into an improved online presence. In some ways, it can feel like just another task in an area that can already be a bit overwhelming at first. But once you learn more about blogs’ role in your digital visibility, it’s clear they’re a really, really great tool. A blog can help answer people’s frequently asked questions, share industry news, and address informational intent from search engine users. […]
Regardless of the specific goal of a campaign, your marketing efforts eventually lead towards the goal of conversions. So what connects the ad and the conversion? The landing page. But what turns a landing page from, well, just a page to land on, to an effective path to conversions? Let’s take a look. First thing’s first: landing pages and your conversion paths Landing pages are an extremely common method for capturing leads. They’re useful not only to get in contact with potential leads, but also for building remarketing lists. The […]
Worried about keeping up with Google’s algorithm and its occasional changes? First off, don’t be. (Or, don’t really be.) Google recently had a significant core update that’s worth dissecting, but in the end it’s mostly a good excuse to discuss A) Google’s priorities and B) how they affect you. This change should not mean an overhaul of your content strategies — unless said strategies needed overhauling anyway — but Google shows they’re continuing to place increasing significance on content integrity and quality. Here’s what we know: What is this “Google […]
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