
Guidance from our Digital Marketing Experts in Seattle

In our current digital environment, many businesses have caught on to the importance of blogs to attract internet users to their sites. One part of this, that some aren’t as in tune with, however, is the next step of promoting the blog itself. A savvy approach to blog promotion will help maximize its reach and ensure all your efforts to write and maintain a blog aren’t in vain. For this article, we’re operating under the assumption that you’ve already optimized your SEO for your blog since that by itself is […]
First off: why even have a blog? This is a pretty common thing to wonder for those who are just beginning their dive into an improved online presence. In some ways, it can feel like just another task in an area that can already be a bit overwhelming at first. But once you learn more about blogs’ role in your digital visibility, it’s clear they’re a really, really great tool. A blog can help answer people’s frequently asked questions, share industry news, and address informational intent from search engine users. […]
If you’re running a company, what do your content marketing efforts look like? If you read that question and asked, “What?” or answered, “I don’t know,” then good news! We have just identified one concrete area that will make your business better. In 2020, content marketing has become a central pillar of successful digital marketing. If you’re not utilizing it, you’re hurting yourself. We cannot stress enough: this medium is here to stay, and it’s your friend. So, how does good content marketing benefit you? People Like It Simply put: […]
When it comes to web traffic and visibility, content marketing is your friend. A strategy for this can be difficult to implement, so breaking it up into digestible stages can help you stay focused without biting off more than you can chew. Your first step in creating a clear blog and content strategy is identifying your customer’s journey. The Customer Journey and Content Marketing Commonly called “the conversion funnel” in marketing, we break the steps in this journey up between awareness, search, research, purchase, and experience. (Variations on this include […]
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