
Guidance from our Digital Marketing Experts in Seattle

When it comes to web traffic and visibility, content marketing is your friend. A strategy for this can be difficult to implement, so breaking it up into digestible stages can help you stay focused without biting off more than you can chew. Your first step in creating a clear blog and content strategy is identifying your customer’s journey. The Customer Journey and Content Marketing Commonly called “the conversion funnel” in marketing, we break the steps in this journey up between awareness, search, research, purchase, and experience. (Variations on this include […]
Of all the areas of digital marketing that we deal with at Fujisan Marketing, the thing that makes it all possible is tracking. Or, rather, all our digital marketing efforts would be moot if we had no idea how well they were working. Because of this, no matter how great your online marketing is otherwise, you can’t really do anything with it — much less adapt and improve — if you don’t know the final results it’s getting you. With that in mind, it is vital to have functioning, accurate […]
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Fujisan Marketing's Digital Marketing Handbook

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Stay in the know with the latest industry news and insights from our digital marketing experts. As a bonus, our comprehensive eBook will help you fulfill your company's vision of success!
Fujisan Marketing's Digital Marketing Handbook