
Guidance from our Digital Marketing Experts in Seattle

So, you’re getting involved in YouTube advertising. Good call! YouTube viewing hours per day, month, and year are so vast it’s hard for our human brains to comprehend. But there are some factors to this form of marketing you need to figure out along the way, too. Take, for example, campaign objectives. While campaign objectives are part of setting up ad campaigns on many platforms, YouTube has its own that come with different qualities. Plus, YouTube campaign objectives carry their own implications as to the different ads that should be […]
When running a PPC campaign, you have no shortage of bidding options. You can bid manually or with automatic settings; if you go the latter route, your options are for maximum conversions, maximum conversion value, maximum clicks, or target impression share. Today, we’re going to go over how maximum clicks can help you. What exactly is max clicks auto bidding? For starters, max clicks are an automated bidding strategy that sets out to generate — as the name suggests — the most amount of clicks for you within your given […]
If you’re working on marketing, whether as the owner of a small business or as part of a marketing department on a much larger team, you’re almost certainly using Google Ads. (And if not, get on it!) But while Google Ads itself is crucial to building your online visibility and increasing your business’ success, there’s ways its usability can be hindered. Enter Editor. What is Google Ads Editor and what are its features and benefits? Before we dive into it, Editor is a program you can connect to a Google […]
Google offers a lot of channels on which to advertise and settings you can play with to best achieve your campaign goals. But what if you want to coordinate a campaign that’s not limited to one channel, without dealing with tediously applying settings across so many broad approaches? Enter the newly-introduced Performance Max. What is Performance Max and how is it useful? Performance Max is a new campaign type from Google that’s based on your identifiable goals for a campaign. It gives you the ability to use all your Google […]
When it comes to PPC marketing, there are many aspects that go into an effective campaign. Alternatively, this also means there are many areas where, if not done right, your effectiveness can be reduced. Here we have some recommendations for approaches you can take to increase the efficiency of your PPC accounts. It pays to be lazy Seriously — your goal here is to not have to do extra work. This is of course because extra work is extra time, which is definitely avoidable. Furthermore, besides valuing getting “lazy” because […]
A good landing page can make a world of difference for your marketing — for both good and bad. A poorly-designed landing page can work against otherwise impeccably put-together campaigns and, on the other end, a great landing page will effectively close on all the other marketing efforts you’ve put in. Here’s some of our thoughts on what a good landing page looks like and what it can do for you. How does a brand benefit from a great lead-generating landing page? The benefits of a good landing page will […]
While we in the digital marketing world love to talk about fancy metrics and all sorts of gobbledygook, the truth is that all those depend, in some form or another, on words. No matter the medium of your ads, they can’t generate anything without words. Obviously we can’t talk about every online ad medium all in one blog post, so today we’re gonna focus on PPC ad copy, why it matters, and how to get it right. Before we get to the copy — what kind of text ads do […]
What’s changing about Google Ads Starting June 2021, Google’s updating their policy regarding advertising for healthcare and medicines. Already, pharmaceutical companies are only allowed to advertise prescription drugs in Canada, New Zealand, and the US, and they’re not allowed to advertise opioid prescription painkillers in any countries. The list of countries where they can advertise over-the-counter medications is larger, but still includes fewer countries than where you can’t advertise over-the-counter medicine. Similarly, online pharmacies have to be certified in order to run ads on Google. What will be new with […]
Also known as search IS, search impression share is a metric measuring the percentage of impressions your ads receive compared to their potential impression volume. The formula is naturally quite basic to calculate: impressions you get over total eligible impressions. (For simplicity’s sake, eligible impressions are pretty much just the possible amount of impressions you could’ve got.)  Eligible impressions are determined by your targeting settings, approval status, and quality score. In today’s digital marketing since the retirement of the average position metric, impression share is now the metric used to […]
Today we’re taking a broad look at social media paid advertising and some principles that will set you up for success. First off, a primer: A first look at paid social programming Before the “why,” let’s clearly establish this: paid social media marketing is one of the most important tools you can use in your whole digital marketing toolbook. The standard practice is to have paid campaigns running on at least one platform a month. This is a straightforward way to both maintain a consistent level of activity funnelling towards […]
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