Guidance from our Digital Marketing Experts in Seattle
Worried about keeping up with Google’s algorithm and its occasional changes? First off, don’t be. (Or, don’t really be.) Google recently had a significant core update that’s worth dissecting, but in the end it’s mostly a good excuse to discuss A) Google’s priorities and B) how they affect you. This change should not mean an overhaul of your content strategies — unless said strategies needed overhauling anyway — but Google shows they’re continuing to place increasing significance on content integrity and quality. Here’s what we know: What is this “Google […]
When it comes to web traffic and visibility, content marketing is your friend. A strategy for this can be difficult to implement, so breaking it up into digestible stages can help you stay focused without biting off more than you can chew. Your first step in creating a clear blog and content strategy is identifying your customer’s journey. The Customer Journey and Content Marketing Commonly called “the conversion funnel” in marketing, we break the steps in this journey up between awareness, search, research, purchase, and experience. (Variations on this include […]
At Fujisan, we deal with digital marketing for businesses in many industries. But if there’s one industry whose purveyors often underutilize a platform with benefits specific to them, it would be autos and Amazon. Here’s why: Auto dealers’ hesitation and how they benefit from Amazon Ads In our experience, lots of car dealerships are a bit reluctant to dive into Amazon-based ads. Their concerns and questions are reasonable; the most common is “Well, nobody is going to buy one of our cars online, so why bother?” This is often accompanied […]
What is Display Advertising? Display advertising is the digital equivalent of billboard advertising. You’ve more than likely noticed a display ad before. The ads come in a variety of sizes and are most placed near the top of a webpage, off to the side of an article, and/or near the end of an article. Example of Display Ad In its simplest form, you’re witnessing an advertiser paying to place an ad on a web page. However, this transaction isn’t just between a website owner and an advertiser – there is […]
When it comes to PPC, it’s not a matter of hitting some settings and then just assuming they’ll do the trick. Well, we suppose you could do that, but it’s probably not a great call. The problem is that PPC campaigns and the factors involved in their success (or lack thereof) are not static — the internet and advertising thereon can be somewhat fickle, plus it’s likely you won’t have all the specs of your campaign perfectly dialed in at first. Hence, to get the most out of a campaign, […]
Do you ever feel like you’ve hit a ceiling for your business’ online presence? After all, you’ve put a lot of effort into making sure your business and its site are well-represented online, but after a certain amount of effort, perhaps a sense of diminishing marginal returns start to kick in. But don’t fret, because there’s another factor that can help boost all your other efforts! Enter your link profile. Link building: What is it and why do I care? Link building is, simply put, the process of proactively increasing […]
What Are Google Grants? For non-profit organizations that are seeking support, recruiting volunteers, and procuring donations, allocating money for an online advertising campaign isn’t always a realistic option; that is what makes Google Grants so impactful. If you are a non-profit organization, it’s in your best interests to consider this vastly underutilized and highly valuable resource. The Google Grants program provides the opportunity for non-profits to create and manage Google Ads, free of charge. As part of a greater program called Google for Nonprofits, Google Grants allows Google to give […]
The PPC For Beginners series is designed to help newcomers gain a high-level understanding of the functions for a successful PPC campaign. We recently published the first of our series, PPC For Beginners Pt. 1: Prepare, Target, and Remarket. While Part 1 explains how you can research and prepare for a successful PPC campaign, Part 2 delves into the most important properties of designing a strong and successful foundation. This is a continuation of Part 1 of our series. Our beginner’s series blogs build upon one another, therefore, we highly […]