Fujisan Podcast The Digital Marketers Guide Cover Art

Digital marketing is an exciting field to work in, but it may seem difficult to get your foot in the door. How do you get involved in digital marketing, and how do you land a job in the digital marketing field? What about digital marketing is so appealing to work in? Piper Shethar joins us to share her experience in the world of digital marketing.

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Preston 00:15

Welcome to the digital marketers guide podcast where we break down digital marketing topics into bite sized episodes that can help make your marketing program and you a little better. I’m Preston Parshall, the founder and CEO of Fujisan marketing. We’re here today with Piper sheather to discuss how to become a digital marketer. Welcome to the show Piper.

Piper 00:32

Thanks for having me, Preston.

Preston 00:34

So Piper, how do you get into the digital marketing field?

Piper 00:37

I think that’s one of the great things about the field, there’s not one concrete way to break into it. Me personally, I come from a background in organic social, a lot of it just has to do with the interest and willing to put in the work to understand the different aspects that go into digital marketing.


Why is digital marketing important?


I think there are so many reasons that digital marketing is important. Each service that we offer here, so SEO, paid social, and PPC all have their own benefits. SEO specifically really helps you reach an organic audience. So overall visibility, and brand recognition is something that SEO offers. Paid social, I think offers a very unique ability to target audiences throughout the funnel, whether it’s just brand awareness, or you’re able to target that further down the funnel audience that has either already shown an interest in your product, has added to cart, you’re able to get them at the right moment to make them not only a viewer, but a purchaser.

Preston 01:40

What’s the best part about digital marketing? Or what is your favorite part?


I just think the ability that you have to really target that audience at the right time is something that’s strictly unique to digital marketing itself. I don’t think any other area of marketing has that same ability to really tap in with that audience at the exact right moment.

Preston 02:00

Yeah. And in social, there’s a lot of targeting there. Tell me some cool things about targeting and social and the programs you’re doing.

Piper 02:07

Yeah, so for social, you can target based on website visits, and really get that add to cart for ecommerce clients and hit them pretty hard. They’re pretty bottom of the funnel audiences right there. You can do geo targeting testing, which is really, really great to see, especially with clients that have more rural locations, you can target cities on the outskirts of their general targeted locations just to see if that will be a higher performing area for them.

Preston 02:37

What is essential for success in digital marketing,

Piper 02:40

I think just eagerness to learn and continue learning, there’s never going to be one time that you’ve learned at all in the digital marketing world. It’s a continuous thing. Everybody on the team here is continuously finding out new things as the whole environment of digital marketing is continuously evolving. And I think that’s one of the great things that keeps people interested in the field for a long time. Just you never know enough.

Preston 03:05

I would totally agree. I’m still learning every day. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in your first year of digital marketing?

Piper 03:12

I think the importance of testing, I didn’t have a ton of AB testing in my organic social background. I could have trial and errors with that. But it wasn’t the same controlled AB testing that you’re able to do on paid social, you’re really able to create exactly the parameters that you want and find results on specifically what you’re testing.

Preston Parshall  03:37

That’s great. Yeah. So Piper what’s what’s been your biggest challenge so far working in digital marketing?


I think everybody on the team has a different challenge for me personally, coming on with not a whole ton of digital marketing background, learning all of the new skills at the same time, I definitely had to juggle at first and once I was able to understand the broader concepts, especially for SEO which you get different strategies, and there’s not one right answer. There’s just different agency approaches, once I understood that I was able to really get into it.

Preston Parshall  04:09

So thanks for listening to the digital marketers guide podcast. Be sure to subscribe to stay up to date when a new episode is released. If you have any feedback or topics you’d like to see covered, email us at contact at Fujisan marketing.com or learn more about us at Fujisan marketing.com. See you next time.

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