Fujisan Podcast The Digital Marketers Guide Cover Art

Digital marketing is an exciting field to work in, but it may seem hard to get your foot in the door. One way: through a digital marketing internship! Companies are always looking for interns to help support their digital marketing efforts. What are they looking for? What skills will help you land the job? Our own digital marketing intern Bianca Bucerzan joins us to share her wisdom on how she landed her internship.

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Preston Parshall 00:14

Welcome to the Digital Marketers Guide podcast where we break down digital marketing topics into bite sized episodes that can help make your marketing program and you a little better. I’m Preston Parshall, the founder and CEO of Fujisan Marketing. We’re here today with Bianca Bucerzan to discuss digital marketing internships. Currently, Bianca is our digital marketing intern and we’re excited to hear her insights on the topics. Welcome to the show. Bianca.

Bianca Bucerzan 00:40

Hi, I’m so happy to be here.

Preston Parshall 00:43

So Bianca, what aspects of digital marketing do you find enjoyable? What keeps you engaged in your role as an intern?

Bianca Bucerzan 00:50

I think I really enjoy the collaboration, especially in this office, I feel like everyone is really strong at everything, but some people are excellent at SEO, paid social, etc… And it’s nice to get to learn something new from someone who’s really passionate about it. And I think the pace of learning is what keeps me most engaged.

Preston Parshall 01:12

How did you acquire experience in digital marketing as a college student before securing an internship here?

Bianca Bucerzan 01:17

I found that joining clubs on campus was super vital, when I had to talk about my experiences in interviews and to write stuff down on my resume. Because in those clubs, I led a lot of projects that had great real world applications. And also whenever I wanted to learn something, I just got a certification. There’s so many free certifications online for marketing. And that’s what really helped me distinguish myself.

Preston Parshall 01:47

And we noticed all those things right away. Well done. What recent trends in digital marketing do you find most exciting right now?

Bianca Bucerzan 01:53

You know, it’s been interesting to see the rise of TikTok and now TikTok shop, my own roommates use it almost every day. So I kind of want to see how it continues to grow and how marketers adapt to this new social platform.

Preston Parshall 02:08

Cool. And how many hours would you say you spend on TikTok a week?

Bianca Bucerzan 02:12

A week? Oh, probably at least seven, which is really bad. But I feel like I find myself on the app in between, like waiting for the bus or walking to class sometimes. And that just adds up.

Preston Parshall 02:26

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I know business owners that spend at least seven hours a week on TikTok. And some of their videos of choice are questionable. So I wouldn’t feel bad about it at all. What challenges have you encountered while navigating through college and the internship landscape?

Bianca Bucerzan 02:43

You know, I’m kind of shy and learning how to be more confident and approach people, ask questions, network was a big hurdle for me. I still struggle with it at times. But I know that it’s very important. And I try to tell myself that everyone is just human after all, and I should be able to talk to them like I would a friend but obviously with more professional conversations.

Preston Parshall 03:08

And here’s the boss question. What will you do to improve that skill? Bianca?

Bianca Bucerzan 03:14

You know, I’m just going to keep talking to you and being less afraid of talking to my boss.

Preston Parshall 03:19

Well, that is an excellent answer. And I greatly appreciate it. Thank you. So what sparked your interest in digital marketing? And how is that interest grown?

Bianca Bucerzan 03:27

Yeah, so in high school, I was part of the American Red Cross. And when the pandemic hit, we really struggled to make events happen. So I turned to Instagram to promote digital events that we were doing. And that’s really what got me started in marketing. Since then, it’s become interesting to learn more about the business and analytical aspect and how deep marketing really goes.

Preston Parshall 03:52

In your opinion, what are some skills that make a marketer stand out?

Bianca Bucerzan 03:56

I’d say adaptability is really important. Being able to think on your feet. I think that the digital landscape is constantly changing. And you never know what’s going to happen next. I mean, something that really caught my attention recently was Google announcing that they’re getting rid of third party cookies by the end of the third quarter this year. And that really has me wondering, like, how are marketers going to adapt to this? What are they going to do next? And that’s really why I’m here to learn how that’s done.

Preston Parshall 04:26

And we’ll get to that later. What advice would you have for other college students that are trying to get into our field?

Bianca Bucerzan 04:33

I’d say you have to make your own opportunities. It’s not just going to be presented to you, you have to be proactive about your learning, whether it’s in the classroom or in your own time. That’s really what helped me get to where I am today and to be able to get an internship.

Preston Parshall 04:52

Yeah. And to tag on to that. Some of the skills that we look for in interns and that we saw in you, Bianca, are strong writing skills. We’re also looking for people that are interested in building websites that have written blog posts in the past that do have an online presence. And then just being analytical and just looking for smart people. So anyone out there if you’re listening, that’s what I would recommend if you’re looking for a digital marketing internship. So thank you, Bianca, and thanks for listening to the Digital Marketers Guide podcast. Be sure to subscribe to stay up to date when a new episode is released. If you have any feedback or topics you’d like to see covered, email us at contact@fujisanmarketing.com or learn more about us at fujisanmarketing.com. See you next time.

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